Thursday, August 13, 2009


Something is happening in the lives of all of the followers of Christ. Something quite strange.
In no way do I intend to sound morbid, but truly, the end is coming closer each day

This isn't like 'the good ol' days' back when everyone went to church, and momma always prayed over each meal, and neighbors were considered friends. Where did we take this drastic wrong turn down this road of selfishness, of pride, of hatred? Why can we not find peace anymore?

Because satan is attacking.
Yes, this is true, but WHY is satan attacking?

Because he is scared of what is going on.

See, satan already knows that God 'wins' in the end. He knows that there is no way that he can defeat the God of the universe, the Creator, the Savior.
But the task that satan has placed before himself is one of chaos and, as Kaleb said in his most recent blog, hopelessness. Satan is doing all he can to stir up trouble to get back at God, for satan has no comprehension of love anymore, but only understanding of deciet, crudeness, and pride.

We cannot lose hope.

1 Peter 5:8-9 tells us:
"Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world."

Yes, satan is noted as a roaring lion: ferocious, ruthless, massive even,
but it is my challenge to you to read Revelation 19:11-21.
Yes, it is Revelation, and everything usually stands for something else, and it is nothing that is really easily grasped at a quick glance, but just read it. Seriously, stop reading this blog, open up your bible, and check this out.


Now, are you scared of this roaring lion, that 'strikes fear' into our hearts? Are you one of those 'christians' who loves to sing worship songs, and loves the atmosphere of the church, and loves the people, and 'oh, everythings just so nice' christians, yet you are not enrolled in the army of God due to a false idea of your faith?
Yes, peace and love are what we strive for, but when the time comes, we must fight! We must stand behind The Rider on the White Horse!

Does this not get you excited and empowered? It always seems like I write on such 'manly' topics, but it really speaks to me! Can you just imagine the shining, white, pure Glory of God leading an army of the redeemed against the darkest minions of Hell? I'll tell you what, I AM one of the redeemed, I am destined to be riding a white stallion, 'dressed in fine linen, white and clean.'

And if you have any sliver of doubt remaining, read Revelation 20:7-10.
You really have to in order to see what truly happens.
Satan will be defeated.
God has no limit to time, and understands time itself because He created it,
so in all actuality, satan has already been defeated.

Now tell me,
do you fear satan?

Are you still mindful of things of this world?
Romans 8:6

It's time to be God's light of salvation, and show it to ALL NATIONS.

Do you really believe?
