Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Are You Ready?

Today has been a very weird day for me. Got up early, took a college placement test, shopped around, broke the 'next' button on my car radio, and all the while I couldn't just have that peace and happiness that I wanted. I was just in this bitter, lame mood. And I just couldn't get out of it, because it seemed as if it were just one thing after another pummeling me.
Then after just coming home and relaxing a little while, that peace quietly began to sink in. And at bible study tonight, God truly did reveal soooo much to me. Isn't it just such an amazing feeling when you learn something brand new in the Word? The words have always been there, it just never came full-circle to you?

God just revealed to me so much about being a man. I know that as of right now, most of the ETC Revolution consists of a female population, but if you're a guy, take this to heart. And if you are a girl, just check out some of this amazing stuff the God is revealing to the men of this generation.

Did you know that Adam was not created in the Garden of Eden? Actually, Adam was created beforehand. In Genesis 2:8, scripture says "Now the LORD God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed." Dissect that verse. It is saying that then God made the Garden of Eden, then placed the man, that He had already created, in it. Which brings up a new question: 'So where was Adam formed?'
'Heaven?' No.
Adam was made in the wilderness, outside of the Garden of Eden.
Why do you think that the bible specifically states when God speaks to His children, His men, in the wilderness?
Jesus before crucification: Wilderness
Jesus tempted for 40 days and nights by satan: Wilderness
John the baptist, essentially the last prophet, was a wild man that lived in the wilderness
God told Abraham to take Isaac into the wilderness travelling for days, not his backyard.
Noah: no more wilderness than on an ark in the middle of a huge ocean
Moses and the 10 commandments: Wilderness

Think. What is it that men these days are missing?
Is God calling all men to be lumberjacks and farmers? No! Of course not!
God just never intended for men to lose sight of their roots, where they were made. The wilderness.
We long for that adventure, that exploration. It is written in the walls of our hearts that we explore and hear from our Father!

Let's be the men, the Sons of God, that we have been called to be.
Let's be the leaders. Let's treat the women of this world like the queens that God has made them to be.
Let's know what it feels like to be ferocious, to be passionate for Christ.
Let's make let words like 'maybe' and 'kinda' be erased from our vocabulary.
Let's do as Matthew 5:37 says and "simply let your 'Yes' be 'Yes,' and your 'No' be No;' anytthing beyond this comes from the evil one"
Let's take the bible seriously.

Are you ready?

This is the ETC Revolution. And this is only the beginning.

Much love and God Bless

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Where It All Begins

Hey guys! I'm Matt and I'm the TL (team leader) for my area of the ETC Revolution. I'm rly excited to see how God transforms this ministry from a thought into an actual revolution.

The 'ETC Revolution' is dedicated to the memorization of scripture and being able to use it to not only enrich our walks with Christ, but to further the Kingdom of God by sharing His love and word to EVERYONE with love, compassion, encouragement, prayer, and wisdom.

ETC stands for 'Every Thought Captive,' which is taken directly from 2 Corinthians 10:5 (NASB)

I'm excited to get my family group started so we can dive into the Word head-on, and rly experience the life that we are called to live!

For the time being, I (along with all of the other TL's) will be going through all of 2 Corinthians 4.
Get pumped =]


Thanks and God Bless!
